September LOLA Chapter Update

September in Review

LOLA Argentina

Cruzada Por El Feminismo Liberal | Crusade For Libertarian Feminism

Girls just wanna have fundamental rights. LOLA and SFL deepened their knowledge on how feminism and freedom are compatible. Local coordinators in more than six Latin American countries, addressed topics including: “Can you be a feminist and a liberal?”, the salary gap and glass ceiling and free markets and free women.

LOLA, Feminists for Liberty, and Ibis Consulting 

Market Solutions for Increasing Diversity & Inclusion

In the wake of social justice movements and legal decisions over the past decades, organizations everywhere are paying attention to diversity and inclusion more than ever. But what does D&I mean, and what are some meaningful steps organizations can take to truly make a difference for women in their workplaces? Elizabeth Nolan Brown of Feminists for Liberty, Kat Murti of LOLA and Feminist’s for Liberty, and Ibis Valdes of IV Consulting, LLC spoke on no-fluff market solutions to help increase diversity and inclusion. Did you miss the event? Lookout for the video on LOLAs YouTube Channel this week!

LILA Uruguay
Female Contribution to the National Growth

LOLA Uruguay Chapter Leaders were invited to speak on the female contribution to the national growth among the Uruguayan Parliament.
On the panel was the Vice President, Beatriz Argimón, author of ONU Mujeres work, Madgalena Furtado, the representative of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Sebastian Grundberger, the executive director of the CED, Agustin Iturralde, journalist Viviana Ruggiero, and LOLA Uruguay Chapter leader Maria Jose Fernandez.
Some of the attendees included the British Ambassador, the PNUD representative, many congressmen and congresswomen, the director of the Women’s Bureau, and many other important personalities. Members of LOLA Uruguay also showed up to support the event.

LOLA Argentina
2nd Liberal Women’s Meeting

LOLA Argentina is working towards a freer Argentina in this second liberal women’s meeting. This is just the beginning!

LILA Uruguay
LOLA Welcomes New Members

LILA Uruguay, first established in January 2020, hosted a new meeting to welcome some of their new members!

LOLA Ecuador

Introduction to alternatives in conflict resolution
LOLAs in Ecuador joined in this discussion of conflict resolution and discovered why private alternatives to conflict resolution are desirable, how people can assess to it and use it, and what is the legal status of the resolutions issued by arbiters. LOLAs also discussed how these private alternatives can be useful for women in personal and professional aspects as well as for conflicts caused by the pandemic, such as labor issues.







Announcements and more!

Welcome LOLA Bangladesh!
The newest LOLA Chapter has launched in Bangladesh! Chapter leaders Protyasha and Mehreen are excited for the events they have planned to empower and educate fellow and new Ladies of Liberty in their country! LOLA Bangladesh is the 8th Chapter in South Asia in the city of Dhaka. Email us to get connected!

Before LOLA, Women Did Not Have A Space Like This
“I found the Ladies of Liberty Alliance (LOLA) in 2019 when I became a local coordinator at Students For Liberty. Since I have been in the Liberty Movement in Brazil, I realized that there were very few women and because of that, social and gender issues weren’t discussed. I just wasn’t satisfied with the lack of women in the liberty movement. When I first heard about LOLA, I knew it was the part of the liberty movement that had been missing and I instantly knew I wanted to be part of it…” Read the Dalila’s full story here.


Welcome Demi Dowdy, LOLAs new Writer & Communications Coordinator!
Demi is a Florida native who spent 6 years in Washington, DC and is now living in North Carolina. She has worked in communications for various public policy organizations including Concerned Women for America, the Civitas Institute, and was most recently the director of Resolute Free Press, a NC media organization. Her columns have been published in Town Hall, The Daily Caller, Think Freely Latino, and more. A first generation Cuban-American, Demi is passionate about spreading the message of liberty worldwide. In her down time, Demi likes to paint, perfect an at-home latte, and watch reality TV.