May Chapter Updates

Gender violence, Local policy discussion in Mendoza and Memorial Day in the USA…

LOLA  Toronto, Canada
Dinner, Drinks, and Liberty

LOLA leaders discussed the inefficiencies and ineffectiveness of lockdowns and vaccine mandates and liberty-oriented solutions gaining new members in Toronto.

LOLA  Brazil
The challenges of motherhood in the political and professional life of women in the 21st century

LOLA Brazil members joined their City Councilor and other leaders from other political organizations to discuss the challenges of motherhood for women in the 21st century.

LOLA Mendoza, Argentina
Mendoza Mixer

LOLA members joined in an eventful night to discuss and debate the drug war, women’s rights, and sex work from a libertarian perspective.

LILA Uruguay
Women in the Uruguayan Labor Market

LOLA’s got together to welcome new members and to talk about a current project they are currently undertaking called “Women in the Uruguayan labor market.”

LOLA Buenos Aires, Argentina
Gender violence and sexual harassment 

Gender violence and sexual harassment is one of the biggest problems in Argentina. The LOLA Argentina hosted a workshop with two lawyers in the local prosecution system to address this issue. In this workshop, LOLAs learned how to file a complaint if they are suffering from violence and what to expect in the legal process.

LOLA Mendoza, Argentina
Local Public Policies

LOLA’s met with Deputy Jose Videla to discuss the effect public policies have on women’s rights.

LOLA Bolivia
Outreach in Bolivia

LOLA  members led tabling efforts at a regional conference where they asked attendees what liberty meant to them and how LOLA is working to advance individual liberty globally. 

LOLA Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Local Politics and Outreach

LOLA’s in Rio Grande joined together over lunch for a discussion on local politics and to plan the activities that will spread the message of liberty to new audiences in their state.

LOLA Washington, D.C.
Memorial Day Brunch

LOLAs joined together to create a space for women in the liberty movement in the nations capital. Attendees enjoyed a casual brunch on memorial day and conversations on local issues from a liberty perspective. 

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