May Chapter Updates and Announcements

Capitalism is a misnomer, prominent women in the political sphere, and more…

LOLA Chile
Women Empowerment Interview

On May 3, LOLA Chile conducted an interview with a prominent woman in the political sphere. Margarita Contreras, SEREMI of Justice and Human Rights, discussed her experiences as a leader and empowered woman, her weaknesses, and progress she has made in her political career. 

LOLA Brazil
Black Women and Classical Liberalism

Have you ever wondered how classical liberalism is related to identity guidelines for black women in the liberty movement? LOLA Pernambuco hosted a virtual discussion to address this important issue. This is a discussion LOLA leaders across the world can resonate with. 

LOLA Brazil
Ayn Rand Book Club

The virtual book club focused on chapters 10,11, and 12 of the book, The Virtue of Egoism, by Ayn Rand. The chapters prompted a healthy debate and discussion surrounding normative ethics, and self-interest. 

LOLA Brazil
Discovering Individualism

LOLA ParanĂ¡ held a forum to discuss the foundational values of classical liberalism and how identity politics plays a role in the political process today. The discussion focused on work from Canadian psychologist Jordan B. Peterson, from his book 12 Rules for Life, and The Maxim by Ayn Rand. The discussion focused on the difficulties of pursuing individual happiness in a collective society. 

LOLA Chile
Conversation with the Leadership Center for Women of the Americas

LOLA Chile participated in a conversation with the Leadership Center for women of the Americas to discuss past elections in Chile. This virtual event focused on national election results and keys to understanding the outcomes. 

LOLA Chile
Female Leadership Interview

On Monday, May 10th LOLA Chile interviewed Claudia Pavez Souper, a prominent leader and role model. Claudia discussed her career, political perspective, leadership goals, and more. 

LOLA Chile
Latin American Political Processes Symposium 

On May 8th LOLA Chile organized an international symposium inviting various organizations to speak about Latin American political situations. Six speakers from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Venezuela, and Paraguay presented public policy issues within their respective countries. This expert panel discussed current events and how to navigate the political landscape through a constitutional lens.  

LOLA Ghana
Teenage Pregnancy Talk

LOLA Ghana partnered with CEBSAR AFRICA to host a talk on teenage pregnancy. This educational event provided a platform for LOLA leaders to have a discussion regarding this important topic. 

Support LOLA Chapters as they work to educate and empower women in the liberty movement.