March Chapter Updates

India’s Hijab Ban, Women for Liberty and more…

LOLA Global

15+ Events held on International Women’s Day

Most people think that socialism and communism have benefited women but we at LOLA know that liberty has been the most important value in women’s liberation. LOLA Chapters held 15+ events across the globe celebrating IWD through various protests and activities working to show that free markets and the ideas of liberty empower women, not socialism. 

LOLA Bolivia
Women Entrepreneurs

81 people attended the LOLA Bolivia event in which women entrepreneurs of WarmiLab, an organization that educates and empowers women engineers to accelerate economic growth, spoke about free markets and on how taxes and bureaucracy affect businesses.

LOLA Bolivia
Policy Implementation and Economic Freedom for Women

LOLA leaders joined together in a virtual meeting with the Ayn Rand Center in Latin America for an overview of women’s economic freedom. 

LOLA Argentina
“Eva and Victoria”

LOLAs watched the “Eva and Victoria” play and afterwards discussed libertarian feminism and the challenges that women face in their country. 

India’s Hijab Ban

LOLA AMU conducted an open discussion on the Hijab Ban in Karnataka, India. They discussed how this ban violates individual and religious liberty.

LOLA, Brazil
Women for Liberty

LOLA Brazil in partnership with LIVRES hosted an event that brought together the most politically influential women in their region. They had a debate on female participation in local politics and on the challenges to achieving a freer society that does not limit individuals based on gender. 

LOLA, Ghana
Creating a community for women in the liberty movement

Generational Impact Network in partnership with Ladies of Liberty Alliance Ghana, hosted a conference at Cape Coast University to promote the ideas of liberty and present LOLA Ghana to students. 

LOLA & People For Liberty
LOLA Featured on People for Liberty

Izabela Patriota, LOLA Director of Development,  speaks on ways in which LOLA is addressing the shortage of women in the liberty movement, her views on government overreach, and more alongside other leading women in the liberty movement. 

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