LOLA Visits UFM: a free-market friendly school

LOLA Staffer, Izabela Patriota (first on left) visits LOLA UFM. The University of Francisco Marroquín (UFM) is known as a free-market friendly school located in the capital city of Guatemala. With its credibility of advancing the principles of individual responsibility, free markets, limited government, and its ties to political scientist Gloria Alverez, we are thrilled to have a LOLA Chapter right on campus. Maria Estela Martinez (center) is taking charge of the LOLA UFM Chapter alongside her co-lead and college friend Nathaly. Estela is a Sophomore studying Global Affairs and is passionate about individual liberty and free markets. 

Estela, UFM student and LOLA Leader, shares her views on the principles of liberty on LOLAs instagram

“It’s incredibly important for me to be able to fight against the Marxist advances that keep our people from being individually responsible and makes them think that the same government that commits human rights abuse will do better with more power,” Estela shares, “libertarianism for me, brings the right values and mindset to help this country.”

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