LOLA In The Media – November 2023




During the LOLA D.C. Leadership Retreat, Communications Manager of LOLA, Jess Gill asked attendees whether someone could identify as both a feminist and a libertarian, with the answer being a resounding yes!


“Libertarianism and feminism should definitely go hand in hand when they both of them are agreeing on the fact that they are focusing on the equal development of society where they are focusing on individual liberty and the rights of women”

Rida Yumn Ahmed


Stay tuned for more content from the D.C. Leadership Retreat, including additional pop-up videos and one-on-one interviews with several attendees.



In the newest episode of Miss Libertarian, Jess Gill sits down with education expert Kerry McDonald, discussing school choice and educational entrepreneurship.


Kerry McDonald is an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom, a senior education fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education, and the Velinda Jonson Family Education Fellow at the State Policy Network. She is also the author of “Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom” (Chicago Review Press, 2019).


“Certainly what I’m most excited about occurring over the past several years, and this has been taking place throughout the past couple of decades but it’s accelerated since the education disruption caused by the COVID response, is a recognition that that one-size-fits-all standardized mass schooling model is not only ineffective and a mismatch to sort of the needs of individuals and to the realities of the 21st century”
Kerry McDonald



In partnership with Reason magazine, LOLA shared a carousel on Instagram about the increasing popularity of homeschooling in America over the past five years.



In the next LOLA In The Media edition, we will have Director of Development Izabela Patriota’s talk on women’s struggles in the liberty movement from the Atlas Society’s Liberty Forum!