LOLA At LibertyCon International 2024

At LibertyCon International 2024, members of LOLA, alongside others passionate about freedom and individual rights, convened to exchange ideas and foster new friendships within the liberty movement. This year, the conference took place in Washington, D.C. It was filled with the energy of freedom-loving people from all over the world. The event provided an exceptional opportunity for LOLA to propagate its message of empowerment and liberty through female leadership within the libertarian movement, leaving a lasting impression on the attendees.

With a dedicated booth set up to welcome attendees, LOLA members and staff sparked curiosity and engaged in conversations about the importance of women’s participation in advocating for a free society. It was a testament to their commitment and the resonance of their message that over 40 people expressed keen interest in learning more about LOLA, seeking ways to get involved and support their mission. This surge of interest underscores the growing recognition of the critical role women play in the liberty movement and the collective desire to see this involvement expand.



Among the highlights of the conference were the contributions of LOLA DC member Kat Murti, LOLA England member Reem Ibraham, and President of LOLA India Rida Yumn Ahmed, who each brought their unique insights and expertise to various panel discussions. Their participation underscored LOLA’s diverse representation and the depth of knowledge within its ranks. Their involvement not only elevated the discourse at the conference but also showcased the intellectual leadership of LOLA members in shaping the conversation around liberty.

A particularly proud moment for LOLA at LibertyCon International 2024 was when LOLA Spain member Ivette Cano was honored with the prestigious Alumni Of The Year award. This accolade is a testament to Ivette’s outstanding contributions to the liberty movement. Her achievements inspire current and prospective members, highlighting the impact individuals can make through dedication and active participation in the cause of liberty.



LOLA’s attendance at LibertyCon International 2024 was a significant milestone, further cementing its role as a vital contributor to the global conversation on liberty. Through engaging discussions and meaningful connections LOLA not only shared its vision with a wider audience but also inspired a new wave of individuals to explore and advocate for libertarian ideals. The event was a resounding affirmation of LOLA’s mission to address the shortage of women in the liberty movement and to empower a network of libertarian women leaders, making LibertyCon International 2024 a memorable chapter in LOLA’s ongoing journey towards a freer society.