LOLA at LevelUp

LOLA attended the LevelUp Conference hosted by our friends at the Objective Standard Institute from June 21st-24th in Phoenix, Arizona.

More than 20 LOLAs across the globe attended the event

We had a blast at the LevelUp Conference! LOLA joined more than 20 LOLA Leaders flying in from across the globe to attend the event. Attendees received professional and leadership training, and made new connections, all while being emersed in classic liberal ideas.

Success at the LOLA Booth

Over at the LOLA Booth, we were in awe to see that our sign-up sheets were completely filled as new men and women learned about LOLA for the first time and were eager to be part of our efforts to reach new women with the ideas of liberty. We are excited to work with new women who plan to join or launch a LOLA Chapter this year.

We even received a generous donation from a donor who was so impressed with our work that they donated on the spot!

LOLA Leaders Lunch

On day two of the event, we hosted a lunch for all members and leaders of LOLA. Holly Jean Soto provided attendees with the latest news and updates about LOLA and Izabela Patriota led the group discussion where attendees had a chance to share about the success of their LOLA region and discuss the social, economic, and political issues that are affecting them today and how LOLA is helping them defend the ideas of liberty.

LOLA Mini Media Training

LOLA hosted a Mini Media Training session for LOLA members during our lunchtime on the third and fourth days of the event. Ana Rizo, LOLA Canada Founder, led a 30-minute training session where she shared her experiences talking on camera about liberty and LOLA. Ana shared tips, best practices, and advice so that attendees can grow in their media efforts.

After the 30-minute training, LOLAs were ready to jump behind the camera and talk about the issue they cared most about. The goal of the training was to help LOLAs know how to articulate their ideas clearly and get them comfortable behind the camera.

The media clips will be available on our social media accounts soon.

A huge thank you to Ana Rizo for leading our media training efforts!

Thank you to OSI!

A huge thank you to our friends at the Objective Standard Institute for hosting us and organizing such a fantastic event.