July Announcements and more…

LOLA’s Talk Crypto, Why Are Women Attracted to Socialist Ideas and More…

Yeonmi Park: In a Socialist System, Your Life is Dictated by the Government

The next time your favorite leftist colleague or relative calls for more government in our daily lives, they should probably watch this video first.

Why Are Women Attracted to Socialist Ideas?

LOLA’s Holly Jean Soto shares how socialist and liberal narratives use emotion and storytelling to attract audiences and how libertarians must change their messaging in order to reach new people. Watch here. 

LOLAs Talk Crypto – FreedomFest Interview

LOLA Leaders were interviewed by Monero Talk during FreedomFest where they share LOLA’s most pressing issues, their opinion on digital cash, and the importance of digital cash and untraceable crypto. Watch it here.

How To Keep the U.S. From Becoming Cuba or Venezuela

LOLA Speakers Bureau member, Martha Bueno (pictured in center), was invited to speak at The Bastiat Society of Colorado Springs event last month. Martha shared the story of her father, a political prisoner in Cuba who escaped with the help of her mother and who shared the truth about Castro’s power in Cuba with Venezuelan friends.