Is libertarianism an ideology primarily for men? LOLA in the media, and more….

Welcome to another weekly update on how LOLA is making a difference in the liberty movement. Here are this week’s highlights:

LOLA Latin America Leadership Retreat was covered by the media. The Colombian, libertarian newspaper “El Bastion” shines a spotlight on how LOLA is making an impact in Latin America!
“Why is it that libertarianism tends to carry the stigma of being an ideology primarily for and by men?” Kat Murti dives into this subject at Cato Institute’s event. 
LOLA Los Angeles and LOLA Canada are making a difference in their communities.
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LOLA is Reclaiming Liberal Feminism

LOLA’s initiatives and efforts were covered in the media. Below you can read the English version of the original article in Spanish, from Colombian newspaper “El Bastion”. 

It covers how LOLA is reclaiming liberal feminism in Latin America, as opposed to radical (marxist) feminism that is common today. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did!

The Liberty Movement Was Largely Spearheaded By Women

Kat Murti, LOLAs Social Media Specialist and Chapter Leader of LOLA Washington, D.C., spoke at Cato Institute event promoting the book Freedom’s Furies: How Isabel Paterson, Rose Wilder Lane, and Ayn Rand Found Liberty in an Age of Darkness. by Timothy Sandefur. You can watch the full conversation HERE.

“If the modern libertarian movement was indeed largely spearheaded by these three women, then why don’t we hear more about them? Why is it that libertarianism tends to carry the stigma of being an ideology primarily for and by men?” — Kat asked.

LOLA Canada: We Must Stop Relying on Dictatorships in the Oil and Gas Industry

Ana Rizo, LOLA Canada Executive Director, talked about why Canada partnered with countries that sponsor terrorism, such as Qatar, and highlighted that while they still need to use oil and gas, it is better to choose a more ethical alternative and strengthen Canada’s own industry. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE

Save the date! LOLA Los Angeles chapter upcoming event.

LOLAs from L.A. will discuss the theory of rights and answer the questions: “What are human rights and where do they come from; God, Government, or Human Nature?” 

WHERE: Los Angeles (Contact us for details here:

Melissa Balocca, LA Chapter Leader explains that “with the concept of human rights being in the spotlight across the globe, from the protests in Iran, to the growing restrictions on abortions across the U.S., this topic is more important than ever.”