July LOLA Chapter Update

July Update



LOLA Latin America

Private Solutions, Global Challenges with Antonella Marty | Soluciones Privadas, Retos Mundiales 

Antonella Marty of Atlas Network speaks on how private solutions can help us during the global pandemic.
Antonella nos hablará sobre: su vida durante la pandemia, su desarrollo como autora de libros, sobre la situación internacional y nacional de la pandemia cómo podemos como libertarios hacer frente al Estado y el rol de las instituciones internacionales privadas. Watch in Spanish on YouTube. 




LOLA Mumbai, India
Introduction to the Idea of Constitutional Political Economy
LOLA Mumbai and Students For Liberty South Asia hosted an online webinar on “Constitutional Political Economy” with Dr. Shruti Rajagopalan as the speaker. Dr. Shruti Rajagopalan is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and a Fellow at the Classical Liberal Institute at NYU School of Law. We could see a lot of political discussions relating to the making of various Constitutions across the world: from separation of powers, listing the Bill of Rights, to limiting the government, etc. But who has ever cared to discuss about economic prosperity and livelihoods of citizens. The real question is, ‘Are Constitutions good enough to back a proper economic system within the country?’ Watch the webinar. 


LOLA Chile

Ladies of Liberty in Chile hosted their second virtual yoga class with Instructor Javiera Olave!



LOLA joins the Heartland Daily Podcast
Holly Jean Soto, Communications and Outreach Manager at the Ladies of Liberty Alliance, joins the Heartland Daily Podcast to discuss why women are the best ambassadors for the liberty movement. Find the podcast here. 



Gun Rights Are Women’s Rights feat. Antonia Okafor | LIVE WITH LOLA
Empowered2A Founder and Director of Outreach for Gun Owners of America, Antonia Okafor, joins us on LIVE WITH LOLA to discuss her work to empower women with the Second Amendment. We also discuss how Covid-19 has highlighted the problems with gun control and she explains just what she means when she says “gun rights are women’s rights.” Watch the video on LOLAs YouTube.


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