LOLA Chapter Updates – December 2023


LOLA Chapters finished the year off strong as we reached women in Arizona and Portugal thanks to new chapter launches. During this very difficult time in the region, LOLA Israel has relaunched their chapter. And, of course, with the help of LOLAs serving as vital leaders in his campaign, Argentina elected Libertarian and Austrian economist Javier Milei as president. See the full recap of chapter events below.






LOLA Argentina hosted an event focused on the election in Argentina. This election is particularly significant, featuring two opposed candidates: Javier Milei, representing the liberal viewpoint, and Sergio Massa, a proponent of Peronist socialism. The event’s primary objective was to explore the perspectives and projections surrounding this pivotal political moment.

Participants engaged in a robust discussion about the potential implications of this election for Argentinian democracy. The conversation highlighted the critical role of citizen involvement in the democratic process and the importance of advocating for the principles of freedom.

Key topics such as debate dynamics, freedom of speech, campaign strategies, and political analysis were thoroughly explored. The event served as a valuable platform for LOLA members to exchange ideas and insights, particularly considering the imminent impact of the election results in Argentina.






LOLA Mendoza recently attended an event with other LOLA leaders from Argentina and Bolivia. The main topic of discussion was the potential impact of Javier Milei’s victory in Argentina. The group focused on the hope it brings to the country and its potential role in addressing inflation and economic challenges in the region.

The event featured insightful contributions from prominent LOLA leaders:

Malen Sanchon, a LOLA leader from Mendoza, Argentina,
Agustina Bellini, a LOLA leader from Santa Fe, Argentina.
Sara Urquizu, a LOLA leader from Santa Cruz, Bolivia

The presence of leaders from various regions emphasized the significance of cooperation and discussion in comprehending and tackling mutual challenges. This meeting offered an opportunity to exchange thoughts and underline the influence of female leaders in shaping the discussion on economic and political freedom in Latin America.






LOLA Portuguesa organized an event focused on educating women about the role of free-market reforms in fostering economic independence. The event was led by Maria Oropeza, a LOLA leader from LOLA Portuguesa and the coordinator of Vente Venezuela in the State of Portuguesa.

During the discussion, the participants focused on the different aspects of free-market reforms. They discussed how these reforms can generate more opportunities for women, break down barriers to entrepreneurship, and ensure equal access to economic resources. Maria Oropeza highlighted the significance of comprehending economic policies and their direct consequences on women’s lives, particularly in terms of achieving financial independence and security.






LOLA Parana hosted a brunch event featuring Amanda Lorena, a style specialist. The primary objective of the gathering was to empower women with self-esteem and confidence, which is crucial for their active participation in public debates and the political arena.

The event went beyond typical style advice and aimed to create a supportive network where participants could openly share their insecurities and common challenges. The discussions revolved around empowerment and self-confidence, focusing on how these attributes can be effectively communicated to garner more support and votes in upcoming elections.

The brunch was a success, enhancing the political opportunities for LOLA members. It highlighted the importance of self-presentation in the realm of politics and public speaking and how it can be a powerful tool in advocating for liberty and expanding one’s influence in public discourse.






LOLA celebrated its chapter launch in Maranhão (MA). The event successfully drew in 76 attendees and resulted in bringing 6 new women into LOLA,

The event featured a series of talks focusing on freedom, politics, and free positions. Lariane Telles Mendonça, the Chapter leader of LOLA MA, opened the discussions with an insightful talk about the concept of freedom outlined in the constitution, its limitations, and its application in everyday life. Her speech aimed to encourage attendees to engage in questioning and to deepen their understanding of both individual and collective freedom.

Karla and Fernanda, two Chapter leaders, were introduced, and their unique and essential perspectives on individual development were shared. Their talks highlighted the diversity of approaches necessary for personal growth.

Dr. Tatiana, the MA State Bar Association vice president and director of public policies for the Women of Brazil Group, also addressed the audience. Her contribution added a legal and policy-oriented dimension to the discussions.

Cristina Rando, a member of the National Directorate of the NOVO Party and coordinator of the Women for NOVO project, delivered a talk on public policy for women. She presented research data on women in Brazil, shedding light on their current status and challenges.

The event garnered significant media attention, covering four open-channel programs and two radio stations. One of the critical issues highlighted was the lack of public policy in the state of Maranhão to promote women’s economic freedom and the need for better training and support in this area.






LOLA Arizona recently held its first event, centered around introducing LOLA’s programs and resources and discussing strategies for promoting liberty in the state. The gathering served as an introductory platform for LOLA in Arizona, allowing attendees to familiarize themselves with its mission and various programs. These programs are designed to support and empower women in their pursuit of spreading the ideas of individual liberty and a free society.

The event also provided a networking opportunity for attendees, allowing them to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for libertarian principles. This networking aspect was crucial in building a strong foundation for the newly established Arizona chapter of LOLA.
The event set the stage for a vibrant and active LOLA presence in Arizona, promising a future of engaging events, impactful advocacy, and a growing community of liberty-minded women






LOLA Dhaka recently hosted an engaging event with a focus on the theme of women’s liberty in society. The primary objective was to highlight the challenges faced by women, especially those who remain silent about their rights and freedoms. The event provided a platform for an in-depth discussion on the state of women’s liberty in the context of societal norms and government inaction.

During the event, attendees engaged in discussion while enjoying tea in a relaxed atmosphere. This setting encouraged open communication and allowed participants to comfortably express their views and experiences regarding women’s challenges in their daily lives and within broader society.
One of the critical issues that emerged was the limited awareness among women about liberal ideas and principles, which are crucial for understanding and asserting their rights. The discussion also highlighted the lack of opportunities for women to achieve economic independence, significantly impacting their ability to exercise freedom and autonomy.

The Dhaka chapter’s event successfully brought to the forefront the pressing issues surrounding women’s liberty in their society. It emphasized the need for greater awareness, education, and advocacy to empower women and promote a more inclusive understanding of liberty.






LOLA Argentina recently facilitated an informal yet engaging dinner meeting between Chapter members Malen Sancho and Agustina Sosa. The primary objective of this gathering was to reflect on the recent presidential campaign and discuss the evolving political landscape in Argentina, especially in light of Javier Milei’s government.

Malen and Agustina shared their insights on various political issues, the government transition, and the potential role of LOLA during Javier Milei’s administration. The conversation delved into strategies that LOLA could adopt to align with and contribute to the emerging liberal/libertarian political, cultural, and economic trends in the country.

This meeting was particularly significant given Argentina’s recent election of a libertarian president. It underscored the importance of maintaining fluid communication among LOLA members and collaboratively designing effective ways to contribute to and influence the country’s new political and economic direction.







LOLA Bolivia supported an entrepreneurship fair for young women aspiring to become successful businesswomen, with three LOLAs speaking. These speakers shared their experiences and motivated the attendees to persevere despite life’s challenges.

The fair was an opportunity for learning and a celebration of the entrepreneurial spirit. Attendees expressed gratitude to LOLA for creating a space to learn, network, and showcase how their businesses flourished in a free market environment. The event was well-received, leaving the participants inspired.

One of the most significant outcomes of the fair was the increased interest in the mission and activities of LOLA. During the event, 40 women showed their enthusiasm to join the LOLA Bolivia chapter, and they exchanged contact information to receive more information about the organization and how they could get involved.

This event demonstrated the significant impact of mentorship and community in promoting the growth and empowerment of women entrepreneurs. It showcased LOLA’s unwavering dedication to supporting women in their entrepreneurial journey and advocating for liberty and free market principles. The fair allowed attendees to learn, network, and expand their influence and membership in Bolivia.






LOLA Nicaragua held its first in-person event for the local chapter to unite six women. However, it exceeded expectations with the participation of eight attendees.

This gathering was particularly meaningful as it provided a platform for participants to discuss the unique challenges they face in their professional lives and the broader context of individual liberty restrictions in Nicaragua. The attendees talked about their shared experiences and the common situations they encounter in a country grappling with severe authoritarianism, which severely limits freedom of expression and organization.

Given the current political climate in Nicaragua, organizing this event required meticulous planning, especially concerning the safety and security of the participants. The organizers ensured that all necessary security measures were in place to protect the attendees, underscoring the commitment of LOLA to provide a safe space for open and honest discussions.

The success of the first in-person event in Nicaragua is a significant achievement for LOLA. It demonstrated the organization’s ability to adapt and respond to challenging circumstances. The event highlighted the importance of creating opportunities for women to come together, share experiences, and support each other in advocating for liberty and freedom of expression. This event marks a hopeful precedent for future gatherings and the continued growth of the LOLA chapter in Nicaragua.






The São Paulo LOLA Chapter hosted an event to welcome new members to the group. This gathering allowed existing and new members to connect, share their stories, and strengthen the community bond.

A key feature of the event was the personal narratives shared by each attendee about their journey towards embracing liberalism. These stories provided insights into the diverse paths and experiences that led individuals to identify with liberal values and principles.

The meeting played a significant role in strengthening the feeling of belonging among the new members by bringing them into the group and letting them feel respected and heard. It confirmed LOLA’s promise to establish an environment that is supportive and inclusive, where members from all backgrounds, regardless of their political beliefs, can learn, grow, and contribute together.






LOLA Cali held an event to demystify libertarianism, particularly focusing on Natural and Positive Law concepts. This event was especially relevant in the context of Javier Milei’s election in Argentina and the growing interest in libertarian ideas in the western southern part of Chile, specifically in the city of Cali.
The primary objective of the gathering was to provide a clear understanding of libertarian principles, emphasizing the distinction between Natural Law, which is derived from moral principles, and Positive Law, which is established by governmental statutes. The discussion also delved into the importance of individual rights and how they should be upheld in a democratic republic.

A significant portion of the event was dedicated to examining the recent political developments in Argentina, particularly the election of Javier Milei. The speakers provided insights into Milei’s campaign strategies, his libertarian ideologies, and how these resonated with the Argentine public, leading to his election. This case study offered a practical example of libertarian principles being applied in a political context.

The event aimed to educate people about libertarian ideas in Cali, a city known for its socialist leanings due to traditional and indigenous influences. The goal was to introduce new perspectives on societal leadership and governance by challenging the prevalent socialist ideologies with libertarian concepts.






The LOLA Joinville chapter held a fun meeting to foster a deeper connection among its members. This event served as both a year-end gathering to reflect on 2023 and a planning session for 2024.

Most of the discussion focused on what the members hoped to see in LOLA Joinville’s lectures and events in 2024. The feedback was insightful, with many women wanting training and events centered on various topics. These included politics, economic freedom, self-esteem, personal defense, ethics and values, managing conversations and women’s routines, and pursuing learning and knowledge.

The stories shared by the women were both inspiring and moving, highlighting the resilience and determination each has shown in overcoming obstacles and achieving their goals. These narratives underscored the strength and diversity within the LOLA Joinville chapter.

As this meeting marked the closing of the year’s activities, it was also an opportunity to look forward to 2024. The ideas and suggestions gathered will be instrumental in shaping the chapter’s agenda for the next year, ensuring that the events and training sessions are aligned with the members’ interests and needs.






The LOLA Bogota chapter held a strategic planning session with an ambitious goal for the year 2024: to host an event each month to broaden the reach of the liberty movement and place liberalism at the forefront of national media discussions in Colombia.

This proactive approach is in response to the current landscape in Colombia, where liberalism and libertarianism are relatively unfamiliar concepts to many. The chapter is dedicated to changing this by increasing awareness and understanding of these ideologies.

This strategic planning session marks a significant step forward for the LOLA chapter in Colombia. It reflects a commitment to expanding the liberty movement’s reach and playing a pivotal role in shaping the national discourse on political and economic ideologies. The planned series of events for 2024 promises to be a catalyst for change, driving increased awareness and acceptance of libertarian principles in Colombia.






LOLA Chile hosted a highly anticipated event that brought together its members for an engaging discussion with author Rainer Zitelmann. The event focused on exploring world economies, free markets, and the role of capitalism for women.

The meeting saw 20 attendees, with more joining later for a shared session with the think tank ‘Libertad y Desarrollo’ to launch Rainer Zitelmann’s book In Defense of Capitalism. The author initiated the discussion by delving into the themes of his book, particularly emphasizing how free markets and capitalism contribute to improving people’s lives. He presented a comparative analysis between countries with varying degrees of freedom and those where individuals have more decision-making power vis-à-vis the state.

Zitelmann engaged with the participants, exploring the various points for and against the current constitutional process in Chile. This discussion provided an invaluable opportunity for attendees to share their views and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the author and each other.

This meeting was particularly timely and relevant considering Chile’s ongoing constitutional process. The discussions underscored the importance of advocating for liberalism and cautioning against a social constitution that overly empowers the state.





LOLA Uruguay hosted a festive Halloween party, serving as a fun-filled gathering and a welcoming event for new members. The party provided an excellent opportunity for longstanding and new members to mingle, share their thoughts on liberty, and discuss their personal beliefs in a relaxed setting.

This gathering successfully strengthened the community bond within the LOLA chapter, as members from various backgrounds and experiences came together to celebrate and discuss crucial topics. The event highlighted the importance of creating informal and enjoyable environments for serious discussions, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose among the members.






LOLA Oklahoma hosted a holiday event aimed at fostering social connections among members and raising awareness of the chapter’s presence in the Oklahoma City area. The event was designed as a social gathering and an opportunity to attract new members interested in the liberty movement.

The attendees engaged in meaningful discussions on various topics, including local libertarian policies and politics, the upcoming Libertarian Presidential candidate election, and ideas for future events of LOLA Oklahoma. These conversations were informative and instrumental in shaping the chapter’s future direction and activities.

Overall, the holiday event was a significant step forward for LOLA Oklahoma regarding member engagement and community outreach and solidifying its presence and role within the local libertarian landscape. The chapter looks forward to hosting more events and growing its regional membership and influence.






LOLA Israel organized an event to help members create a skill pool, learn from and train each other, and deepen connections.

A key takeaway from the event was the importance of inclusivity and giving each member a chance to contribute. The leadership team emphasized ensuring every member had a platform to share and engage rather than dominating the conversation. This approach facilitated a more balanced and enriching discussion and helped identify the diverse skills and knowledge within the group.

The event also served as an opportunity to address the communication factor within the chapter. It provided a platform for explaining the rationale behind having a gender-based community, reinforcing the importance of creating a supportive and empowering environment for women in the liberty movement.






The LOLA Chapter in Porto recently hosted an event titled “Power and Freedom: Women on Social Media.” The event aimed to maximize women’s online presence and marked the debut of the new LOLA Chapter in Porto, Portugal’s second-largest city.

The lecture was followed by a Q&A session, which allowed for an interactive and engaging discussion. The event concluded with participants sharing their personal journeys towards embracing liberty and discussing strategies to influence ongoing socio-political issues.

One notable aspect of the event was the enthusiasm generated by the fact that LOLA is led exclusively by women in terms of leadership, actions, and planning. This aspect resonated well with the attendees, highlighting the unique position and approach of LOLA in advocating for liberty and empowering women.






LOLA Parana organized a happy hour event to reflect on their achievements from the past year and set new goals for the upcoming year. The gathering was a strategic planning session and a celebration of the chapter’s milestones and progress.

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to outlining the liberal aims for the next year. Members engaged in collaborative discussions to identify key focus areas and develop strategies to advance the principles of liberty in their community. This forward-looking approach ensures that the chapter remains aligned with its mission and is prepared to tackle upcoming challenges and opportunities.

Additionally, the event served as a platform to celebrate the chapter’s achievements over the past year. Recognizing these accomplishments was essential for morale and motivation, as it highlighted the impact of the members’ hard work and dedication to the cause of liberty.

The gathering underscored the importance of community within the chapter. Events like this contribute to strategic planning and enhance members’ unity and belonging. It was evident that such meetings are vital in maintaining a strong, cohesive, and motivated LOLA Chapter.






LOLA Uruguay organized a pool party at the residence of one of its members. The event was a great mix of relaxation, fun, and productive discussions about future chapter activities. Members enjoyed this social gathering and had the chance to engage in planning and creative activities.

One of the day’s highlights was a bag painting workshop conducted by one of the chapter’s most talented members. This creative session added a unique and enjoyable element to the event, allowing members to express themselves artistically while bonding with each other.

The party was an excellent way to combine leisure with productive discussions. It fostered a sense of community and collaboration among the members, making the planning process for future events more enjoyable and inclusive.