August Chapter Updates

LOLA’s discuss cryptocurrency, labour laws and take an initiative in sanitary aid for young girls in Ghana…

LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
Community Is a Necessary Step to Bringing in New Women

Creating community ties is key to building a strong liberty-minded community, that is why the leader of LOLA Colombia and the members of LOLA Guatemala met over dinner to unite their efforts in reaching new women in the liberty movement. 

LOLA Accra, Ghana
Sanitary Aid for Girls in Ghana

LOLA leaders distributed pads and bags to school students while educating them on menstruation and on feminine hygiene. LOLA’s filled the gap in knowledge on feminine care and hygiene for young students.

LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
Political Training- Part II

LOLA Guatemala organized its second session in their Certificate Program in Political Participation. They taught 30 women how to navigate through Guatemala’s difficult political and electoral system. They also empowered their members to get involved and teach other women what they learned.

LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
LOLA & the Mises Institute – Guatemala

LOLA leaders and the Mises Institute in Guatemala sat down and discussed local issues and liberty-minded solutions and joined forces in their upcoming October event.

LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
Freedom of Expression

LOLA leaders joined Students for Liberty and the Mises Institute in a conference with Eduardo Fernandez, who spoke about freedom of expression and advocated for its importance in individual rights as a tool against tyranny.

LOLA Medellin, Colombia
Women in the Labor Market

LOLA Colombia hosted an event for 365 people online where they discussed why private property is key for women to be free and showed how more women can own property by improving their job skills and increasing their salaries.

LOLA Cordoba, Argentina
Cryptocurrencies Session 2

LOLA Argentina hosted their second introductory training on cryptocurrencies where they taught about how to start trading and how to use apps and virtual wallets. 

LOLA Cordoba, Argentina
Women for Freedom

LOLA leaders joined forces with like-minded organizations to host an event that attracted over 100 people. The event provided libertarian proposals for the current issues that women face in Argentina. The discussion was centered around three main points 1)financial education to achieve women’s independence, 2) a more efficient public budget allocated to security and access to justice and 3) the defense of the free market as a real form of emancipation and progress for women.

LOLA Cordoba, Argentina
Self-defense class

LOLA members were taught how to handle different skills to defend themselves in case of an attack.

LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
Supporting LOLA Artists

LOLA members got together to support one of their members that was performing in the National Theater of Guatemala. Supporting their members in their professional careers and building a community around them has been one of their priorities in this last year.

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