April Monthly Recap

New Chapters in 6 Countries, Speaking in Orlando, Chapter Updates, and more. Here’s your monthly update from LOLA!

Holly Jean Soto, LOLA Operations Director, spoke at the Libertarian Party Convention of Florida on April 22nd. With 55% of women saying that they prefer socialism to capitalism in the U.S., Holly Jean shared what it is going to take to get new women into the ideas of liberty including changing the way we communicate and teach libertarian ideas. Additionally, we met some awesome new women at the event who are joining chapters in Florida. Watch her talk on our YouTube soon.

Reaching New Women in Poland! Polish LOLAs are bringing the first LOLA Leadership Retreat to Europe this May! The event will train women on practical knowledge about assertiveness, entrepreneurship, journalism, media training, and libertarian feminism. LOLA Poland started with 2 women and now they have managed to receive 22 sign-ups from around the country to join them for the Retreat. 70% of them were completely new names! More about the LOLA Poland Retreat.

LOLA Federal District, Brazil

Happy Hour for Liberty

Gathering women around libertarian ideas has been a challenging task in Brazil’s political capital, the Federal District. With the recent shift towards a more left-wing government, there has been a push for statist and progressive measures in the name of “gender equality” and the “protection of women.” It was especially important for women in the Federal District to meet given the sociopolitical climate where attendees discussed real-world challenges and potential solutions related to individual decision-making, pregnancy in the workplace, childhood, and the fundamental gender differences in the workforce. The happy hour event was particularly successful, with the largest turnout they’ve seen so far-reaching 20 women. The Chapter plans to hold a series of events designed to empower women and provide practical, capitalistic solutions to the challenges they face.

LOLA Montevideo, Uruguay

The Current State of Uruguay –LOLA Coffee Break

The country of Uruguay, after 15 years of a leftist government, now has a classic liberal President and a Minister of the Economy, who is for the first time in history, a woman and focused on the free market and the improvement of citizens’ skills. This has led to economic growth for Uruguay but it is a daily struggle to defend the ideas of freedom against the socialists and communists who are constantly attacking the democratic integrity and public policies. LOLAs in Uruguay meet to discuss such matters as well as welcome new members. Attendees also discussed important issues such as the pension reform that is being carried out in our country, economic progress in the country, the strength of our currency, and concerns about the 8% inflation rate in their country.

LOLA Uberlândia, Brazil 

Tax-Free Beer

Brazilians pay over 60% in taxes for beer in their country. That’s why LOLAs meet for a “Chopp sem Imposto” (tax-free beer day) to raise awareness of the high tax burden in Brazil. The event was held in the city of Uberlândia located in the state of Minas Gerais, with 30 attendees where ladies of liberty are working to build a new Chapter. The main goal of the event was to enjoy tax-free beer while connecting with liberty activists in different organizations. “The problem in Uberlândia is the same problem you see throughout Brazil” Chapter Leader, Debora, explains, “we have a lot of young people, especially women, who tend to advocate for socialism. Not to mention the fact that we have a socialist governing Brazil, which means that we have to strengthen the liberty movement in order to change reality. That is why I decided to bring LOLA to my region.”

Reaching new women across the globe

Cusco, Peru
Madrid, Spain
Tbilisi, Georgia
Frankfurt, Germany
Ottowa, Canada
North Texas, TX
South Florida, FL

We’re thrilled to see LOLA growing and reaching new women with libertarian ideas. Thank you to all the amazing leaders advancing liberty in their cities. 

Join or start a LOLA Chapter here.