April Chapter Update and Announcements

Ayn Rand book club, libertarian feminism, the dangers of socialism, and more. Here’s your monthly update from LOLA! 😍

LOLA Brazil 
Libertarian Feminism
What does it mean to be a libertarian feminist? The Instagram live was hosted by LOLA Chapter leader Marina Zonis and guest Economist Olivia Carneiro. Together they discussed capitalism, women’s issues, feminism, and other hot-topic issues.

LOLA Brazil 
I Found Myself Liberal and Now? 
The event was co-hosted by Livres in partnership with LOLA Paraná to open a space to discuss classical liberal activism. The left and right have dominated the political realm for far too long, and identifying with classical liberalism is a minority position. This event specifically focused on the experiences and challenges of said minority viewpoint. Mediator Mayra Castro proposed that the participants reflect, from a personal point of view, on issues referenced in the book Why Did I Turn Right? by J.P. Coutinho, L.F. Pondé and D. Rosenfield. 

LOLA Chile
Female Leadership Tools for Conscious Management
LOLA Chile hosted their first LOLA International Symposium online. The event was a full day of free training and comprehensive leadership activities. Special guests included María Londoño, founder of LOLA Colombia and entrepreneurial expert, and Nadia Ramos CEO of the Leadership Center for Women of the Americas, Peru. In addition to these special guests, LOLA Chile founder and Director Catalina Saire and Master Vice President in Organizational Coaching Yenny Farfán discussed capitalism and classical liberalism.

LOLA Brazil 
Ayn Rand Book Club
The virtual meet up concentrated on chapters 7,8, and 9 of the book, The Virtue of Selfishness by Ayn Rand. This collection of essays focuses on reasoning and individualism, which led to healthy discussion and debate. 

LOLA Brazil 
Politics & Patuscada with LOLA Brazil
Politics & Patuscada with LOLA Brazil took place online. The webinar offered a platform to discuss politics, classical liberalism, women’s issues, and the day-to-day challenges of the Brazilian legislature. Special guests in attendance included: Mrs. Cibele Moreira (AL), and councilors Cris Monteiro (SP), Indiara Barbosa (CWB), Amália Tortato (CWB), Manu Vieira (FLN) and Mari Pimentel (POA). 

LOLA Chile
Non-Perishable Food and Winter Clothing Collection Campaign
LOLA Chile organized a food and winter clothing collection campaign to bring needed resources to community members. If you are looking to get involved or donate to the cause
send a message to LOLA Chile via social media

LOLA Omaha
Brunch Meet Up
LOLA Omaha hosted a networking brunch on April 25. The event provided a space for like-minded women to get together and discuss important issues relating to the liberty movemen

LOLA Chile
Candidate Talk
LOLA Chile hosted a meet and greet with Arica Stephania Jeldrez, candidate for Councilor. She discussed her experiences in the field, and her tips for exercising strong female leadership. 

Announcements and More

LOLA Chapters forming now!
Join other Ladies of Liberty in your area. LOLA Social Chapters forming in:
–Northern VA
–Grand Rapids, MI
–Atlanta, GA
–Chicago, IL
–and more
Join my LOLA Chapter

The dangers of socialism -follow us on Instagram.
Millennials and Gen Zs are embracing socialism. 73.2% of them believe the government should provide universal health care; 67.1% felt the government should provide tuition-free college, and 49.6% would prefer living in a socialist country. See full post.

Support LOLA Chapters as they work to educate and empower women in the liberty movement.