2023 LOLA Brazil Leadership Retreat Highlights

LOLA recently held its annual Brazil Leadership Retreat, a four-day event in the Federal District, successfully convening over 15 leaders to focus on communication, politics, libertarianism, and LOLA’s mission and strategies for 2024.

Excitingly, the first day’s activities were held in the Chamber of Deputies. This provided a real-world backdrop for learning, enabling leaders to witness the legislative process and political dynamics firsthand.


This retreat deepened the participants’ understanding of LOLA’s goals and equipped them with the skills to educate and empower women in the liberty movement. The curriculum was diverse, encompassing effective political communication strategies, the intricacies of liberalism, and practical applications of libertarian principles.

The retreat empowered leaders to promote LOLA’s mission effectively within their local chapters. The sessions fostered a sense of unity and purpose, creating a supportive community of motivated women leaders. This environment encouraged brainstorming and strategizing on attracting more women to the libertarian movement.


As the retreat concluded, participants left with renewed enthusiasm and ambition. They were inspired and educated with strategies to disseminate ideas about liberty and increase female participation in the movement. The event was not just a meeting of minds but a catalyst for change, inspiring a stronger commitment to libertarian values.

The LOLA Brazil Leadership Retreat marked a significant step in preparing leaders for the challenges of promoting libertarian principles and expanding the organization’s reach. It was a pivotal moment for women’s active involvement in the liberty movement. It set a new course for LOLA’s impactful role in the liberty movement as it gears up for its ambitious 2024 plans.

LOLA would like to thank everyone who participated in this year’s Brazil Leadership Retreat. We look forward to seeing you again next year!