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Holly Jean Soto
LOLA United States
Veronique de Rugy
Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
LOLA North America
Barbara Kolm
President at Freidrich A. v. Hayek Institute; Director of the Austrian Economics Center
LOLA Europe
Sabrina Schaeffer
Executive Director of the Independent Women's Forum & Co-author of Liberty is No War on Women
LOLA North America
Romina Boccia
Grover M. Hermann Research Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs and Research Manager
LOLA North America
Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Director of Economics21 and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute
LOLA North America
Deirdre McCloskey
Professor of Economics, History, English and Communication at University of Illinois at Chicago
LOLA North America
Annelise Anderson
Public Policy & Law
Veronique de Rugy
Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
LOLA North America
Barbara Kolm
President at Freidrich A. v. Hayek Institute; Director of the Austrian Economics Center
LOLA Europe
Sabrina Schaeffer
Executive Director of the Independent Women's Forum & Co-author of Liberty is No War on Women
LOLA North America
Romina Boccia
Grover M. Hermann Research Fellow in Federal Budgetary Affairs and Research Manager
LOLA North America
Marianne Copenhaver
Chief External Affairs Officer - Foundation For Economic Education
LOLA North America
Katie Kieffer
Author, Entrepreneur, and Commentator
Diana Furchtgott-Roth
Director of Economics21 and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute
LOLA North America
Deirdre McCloskey
Professor of Economics, History, English and Communication at University of Illinois at Chicago
LOLA North America
Catherine Sevcenko
Associate Director of Litigation at Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
LOLA North America
Annelise Anderson
Sabrina Riveiro
Manager, Ministry of Education and Executive Director, Douglas Piquinela Foundation
LOLA Latin America