October proved to be one of our most active months! Read through the latest from LOLA Chapters in Guatemala, Argentina, Bolivia, Ghana, and the U.S. It’s heartwarming to see ladies of liberty working and cultivating the LOLAs mission in different corners of the world.
In addition, take a peek at the very bottom to see LOLA’s social media hits and events LOLA attended in October. Sign up for our newsletter to be the first one to receive all the LOLA updates!
LOLA Guatemala doesn’t slow down!

The Guatemalan LOLA chapter had exceptional activity last month. The Chapter organized three events that work to train and empower women in the ideas of liberty. They focused on women’s presence in politics, local initiatives, as well as encouraged self-governance and limited government in ongoing projects. LOLA Guatemala also drew attention to the problem of menstrual poverty in their country. Finally, they focused on sharing stories that taught the benefits of liberty to children. We are pleased to see that their chapter takes an empathetic approach to women’s empowerment and independence. We look forward to their future events!
Improving Political Involvement for Guatemalan Women- Session 4
In Guatemala, there is very little political or civic participation. Citizens don’t have much knowledge about civil society organizations in which they could participate in. This encourages them to demand solutions through government aid, rather than from private, voluntary initiatives. By getting more women involved in politics and civic life, we teach them skills that they can use to start making small changes in their community. This cultivates the idea of encouraging individuals to institute change instead of relying on governments. This kind of hands-on work helps them get started with acting, rather than just learning or talking about it.
During the fourth session of the diploma course on Political Participation for Guatemalan Women, girls from LOLA Guatemala addressed the topic of being the starting point. To promote participation that suits individuals’ interests, we need to clearly state which area of society we want to promote. LOLA Guatemala encouraged the audience to structure their project and determine where they want to start creating change, as well as give them tools so that they can gradually make this personal project a reality.
Teaching Children the Benefits of Liberty
Children don’t usually hear stories about the benefits of liberty in school. LOLA Guatemala hosted their event on Children’s Day to change that. Through animated movies, cartoons, or illustrated books, LOLA Guatemala showed children that the ideas of liberty can be a powerful tool. LOLA Guatemala is helping children create a better and freer future for themselves and establish a general understanding of individual liberty.
Three organizations contributed to this event: LOLA Guatemala, Oleada Guatemala, and the Mises Institute. They gathered in Q’axal Community Center in Guatemala City and prepared many interactive activities, as well as some food.
“We were motivated to make it the most enjoyable experience for these children. We divided them into groups and read a liberty story according to their age. Then we played and spent some more quality time together.“
LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
Menstrual pads collection at the Rafael Landivar University
Guatemalan women living in extreme poverty lack the resources necessary for adequate menstrual products. That’s why LOLA Guatemala, together with Lead Feminista, came up with a plan to raise money and help them.
“For seven days, we collected all necessary menstrual supplies and money to buy more. All the products will reach Guatemalan women who normally wouldn’t have access to them.”
LOLA Guatemala City, Guatemala
LOLA Córdoba, Argentina: How to use cryptocurrencies?
LOLAs went to 15 commercial premises in the city of Carloz Paz and gave instructions on how to use cryptocurrencies to passerbyers. Recipients thanked them for the information stating how useful it is for their work. It’s wonderful to see individuals in Argentina increasingly interested in financial independence and free market alternatives to the government.
LOLA Bolivia learns about Ayn Rand’s objectivist philosophy
In Bolivia, there is very little talk about objectivism or Ayn Rand. Bolivian LOLAs wanted their audience to understand the importance of the individual and Rand’s objectivist philosophy. The group discussed today’s world issues in the context of her work to see how her postulates could serve us today.
LOLA Mendoza, Argentina talks about their chapter’s future
Argentinian LOLAs met up to brainstorm ideas for their chapter’s future activities. They also had new members who could introduce themselves. Great to see LOLA Mendoza growing! Girls reported that Argentina seems to be in a constant fight against populism and leftist ideas. That’s why their meetup focused on solutions that can help fight these trends.
LOLA Accra, Ghana: Assessing the progress of Gender Equity across Sub-Saharan Africa
In Ghana, statistics indicate that women are greatly dependent on men in all aspects of their lives. This reality makes them more likely to get pregnant or get married young against their will. Ladies from LOLA Accra took part in the webinar regarding these issues. The speaker—Dr. Felix Addo Yobo, Deputy Director of SDGs Advisory Unit, Office of the President of Ghana—spoke about Gender Equity in Sub-Saharan Africa. He emphasized the importance of mobilizing finances, generating data, and winning more hearts and minds to support the Gender Equity Agenda in order for it to succeed.
LOLA Los Angeles Relaunch Event
Melissa Balocca, LA chapter leader, reports on their chapter’s relaunch event:
“Our topic was “Selflessness as a Feminine Virtue.” Together we explored the meaning of “altruism” and asked: “Can the idea of ‘selflessness’ be used to persuade or force groups to sacrifice their dreams and interests in the ‘common good’ and is that really a good thing?”
The diversity of views, opinions, and insights was beyond expectations, and everyone left feeling uplifted and inspired to keep questioning cultural norms and our acceptance of them.”
LOLA Omaha: Brunch & Lydia House Drive
The LOLA Omaha chapter got together for brunch and collected feminine hygiene items for Lydia House, a local shelter for women.
October Events
LOLA reaches new students at LibertyCon!
The most recent LibertyCon, held in Miami, was a great opportunity for us to meet in person. Many LOLA staff members attended the event, as well as chapters’ leaders and volunteers. They were happy to meet and talk to new women who were there!
We held the LOLA Latin America Leadership Retreat in Medellín, Colombia.
This was our first time bringing this annual training to leaders throughout Latin America due to the explosion of LOLA Chapters in this area. We trained LOLA’s top leaders on topics such as political activism, the art of debate, effective outreach & libertarian solutions to Latin America’s economic and social issues. READ THE RECAP