⭐ Welcome back to the LOLA Monthly update!
This time we are excited to share all LOLA 2022 media mentions, publications and interviews. Take a look at the interview with LOLA Latin America Leaders and get to know their stories! It’s a wonderful read with personal accounts of how leaders came into the ideas, the social and political issues they are working to address in their country, and their plans for the future of the liberty movement.
Below you will also learn about a recent interview with LOLA Oaxaca, Mexico leaders interviewed by the influential news outlet, LOLA Mendoza, Argentina networking efforts, and how LOLA Uruguay continues to build a supportive community for women engaged in libertarian ideas.
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LOLA Oaxaca, Mexico leaders interviewed by media outlet!
LOLA Oaxaca, Mexico chapter leaders decided to use the services of the media to promote their message and spread awareness about LOLA. LOLAs believe that the media is an important tool to get their message across, similar to the way in which George Orwell’s book, 1984, illustrates how information can be manipulated through the use of propaganda. This is what Oaxacan politicians are doing right now in the media to spread socialist ideas. The chapter’s initiative has resulted in an increase of people paying attention and seeking more information about LOLA Oaxaca. Individuals, especially young ones, approached LOLAs after seeing the interview.
What is Liberty? Hosted by LOLA Oaxaca, Mexico.
LOLA Oaxaca held introductory Zoom meetings to explain the mission and impact of LOLA and open discussions on personal growth, politics, economics, history, and other subjects. One of them is standing up to the socialist narrative all to common in the Oaxaca community. Zoom groups are made small to communicate ideas one-on-one. LOLAs from the Oaxaca chapter noticed that the attendees enjoyed the meetings so much that they invited their friends to join!
LOLA Mendoza, Argentina fruitful networking event.
LOLA Mendoza networked and exchanged opinions with different organizations at the Nave Universitaria — a cultural center in Mendoza, Argentina. The organizations included political parties such as the Partido Justicialista, Union Civica Radical, and Partido Democrata, as well as groups like Students For Liberty and UPAU. The event also included political campaign stands from various districts. The goal for Argentinian LOLAs was to expand their outreach and make their ideas more accessible to women who may not identify with mainstream ideologies.
“Apart from the networking event, we closed the year with a pool party celebration and are looking forward to working together in 2023!“
— Valentina Zenocrati, LOLA Mendoza chapter leader
LOLA Uruguay continues to build a supportive community for women
LOLA Uruguay chapter leader, Sabrina Riveiro, reports on their chapters social event organized to exchange participants’ personal and professional experiences:
“We welcomed new members and had a chance to listen to new LOLAs’ life stories. Consequently, the participants exchanged efforts to improve the professional profile of one of the new members, who had recently arrived in the country, to obtain better job offers. This is a great example of why LOLA exists — in order to improve the personal and professional lives of women through the ideas of freedom.”
LOLA Paraná, Brazil celebrates the end of 2022 together!
“We decided to reunite LOLAs in a bar here in Curitiba, Paraná. It’s very important now that we unite libertarian women and celebrate ideas of freedom in our communities.”
— Laura Lima, LOLA Paraná chapter leader