LOLA in the Media- February 2025

European Union

The fight for liberty is gaining momentum,and LOLA is leading the charge! This past month, our voices resonated across global media, shaping critical conversations on direct democracy, immigration control, and economic freedom.

With 14 media features in top publications, LOLA leaders are fearlessly challenging restrictive policies, amplifying individual rights, and pushing for real change. These milestones are not just wins for us—they are wins for the global liberty movement.

Featured Appearances 

LOLA Portugal’s President, Cláudia Nunes, explores how the European Union’s heavy regulations are stifling economic growth and innovation. She argues that the EU must shift away from excessive centralization and return to the freer, market-driven principles of the former European Economic Community (CEE). With energy shortages, economic stagnation, and mounting political challenges, Europe faces a critical moment—will it embrace deregulation and competition, or continue down a path of bureaucratic decline?

Click here to read the whole article!

Adriana Flores, LOLA Argentina Chapter Leader, discusses the final stage of Venezuela’s fight for democracy, emphasizing the military’s role in recognizing Edmundo González Urrutia as the legitimate leader from January 10. She also shares insights on Venezuela’s future and María Corina Machado’s influence in national politics.

Check out the full interview here.

Full List Of Global Media Mentions

JUAN DE MARIANA Y SUS APORTES AL LIBERALISMO | Un análisis en profundidadLourdes Nadia Romero Lara, Chapter Leader, LOLA Santa Cruz, Bolivia

CAMINO DE SERVIDUMBRE Y LA SITUACIÓN EN AMÉRICA LATINA | Un análisis comparativoLourdes Nadia Romero Lara, Chapter Leader, LOLA Santa Cruz, Bolivia

The Israeli Judicial Crisis and the Universal Tension Between Democracy and LiberalismAnna Shnaidman, Chapter Leader, LOLA Tel Aviv, Israel

O apoio económico de Portugal a Moçambique não pode ser incondicionalCláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal

To Stop Antisemitism, Find the SourceAgustina Sosa, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

Para sobreviver, a OMS tem de abandonar a expansão indevida e voltar aos valores fundadoresCláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal

O referendo é a solução mais legítima para decidir o futuro da GronelândiaBeatriz Santos, Chapter Leader, LOLA Lisbon, Portugal

O Sufrágio da HipocrisiaJoana Monteiro, Chapter Leader, LOLA Lisbon, Portugal

Entre a gestão da segurança social e a gestão da segurança pública a Europa falhouCláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal

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