LOLA In The Media – December 2024

nif in portugal

Voices of women advocating for liberty are more crucial than ever, and LOLA is at the forefront of this movement. By amplifying women’s perspectives on freedom and individual rights, LOLA is breaking barriers and driving critical global conversations. Media representation plays a vital role in bringing these ideas to broader audiences, and from November to present LOLA has made a significant impact with 16 articles in publications worldwide. Each article and appearance marks progress toward building a freer world. Explore some of our media highlights below!

Featured Appearances 

LOLA’s Director of Operations, Holly Jean Soto, published an article with the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) that dives into the economics of today’s job market, addressing the disconnect many Americans feel between media headlines and the reality of the labor market.

Click here to read the whole article!

Adriana Flores, LOLA Argentina Leader wen on air with Venezuela En Vivo to discuss about the protests made worldwide claiming to the international criminal Court that act now for Venezuela.

For the SAPO Publications, Cláudia Nunes, President of LOLA Portugal wrote an article highlighting concerns over the European Commission’s recent appointments, focusing on issues of transparency, integrity, and public trust. The piece delves into how these choices risk alienating citizens and hindering the EU’s credibility and competitiveness.

Read the whole article here.

Full List Of Global Media Mentions

Porque é que há uma praça em Portugal com o nome de um ditador?Beatriz Gouveia da Silva Santos, Coordinator, LOLA Portugal

Entrevista a Edmundo Gonzalez: reafirma viaje a Venezuela
Adriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

November 25th is Now Official, but Freedom Remains Unofficial- Cláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal

Trump na Casa Branca: uma oportunidade para a autonomia europeiaCláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal

Saiba quem e a opositora que filmou a propria detencao na Venezuela Adriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

Erradicar la violencia contra las mujeres venezolanasAdriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

Venezuela se prepara para protestas masivasAdriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

Space con Adriana Flores MárquezAdriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

Protestas masivas en Venezuela y en el mundo convocadas por Maria Corina MachadoAdriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

Stuacion de la embajada de Argentina en VenezuelaAdriana Flores, Chapter Leader, LOLA Argentina

OE 2025- uma oportunidade perdida para reformar o sistema fiscalCláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal

O Acordo UE- Mercosul e a ilusão do mercado livreCláudia Nunes, President, LOLA Portugal