LOLA Chapter Updates – April 2024





In an uplifting event organized by the local chapter, Venezuelan women refugees were treated to an afternoon dedicated to self-care. Amidst the challenges of displacement under Maduro’s regime and the resulting hardships in their host community, this gathering was a much-needed respite.

The event highlighted three remarkable women: Mariana, Angelica, and Marilores. Each had the opportunity to indulge in various beauty services—a small yet significant gesture that restored their dignity and boosted their self-esteem. The services provided included haircuts, hair straightening, and manicures and pedicures.

This initiative offered a moment of relaxation and personal care and aimed to highlight the critical situation many Venezuelan women refugees face. They often lack the time, means, and incentives to engage in self-care, contributing to a cycle of poverty and diminished quality of life.

The local chapter’s unwavering commitment to supporting these women underscores the need to empower participants through meaningful and empathetic community engagements. Such events are vital for personal rejuvenation and fostering a sense of community and belonging among refugees, a crucial aspect often overlooked in their journey.




On International Women’s Day, the LOLA Ceara made significant strides in advocating for libertarian ideas by delivering the ‘LOLA Brazil Manifesto’ to every local female legislator. Despite the legislators’ prevalent reluctance and deep-rooted leftist ideologies, the initiative emphasized the importance of women’s representation in politics and their unique challenges.
The event focused on each parliamentarian’s achievements and roles to create a more personalized dialogue. This approach facilitated discussions on how LOLA can collaborate in public policy formulation in the future.
Notably, interactions with the legislators varied, ranging from profoundly engaging to more formal exchanges. A highlight was the conversation with Lia Gomes, who reflected thoughtfully on the manifesto. These interactions, while varied, successfully opened doors for future dialogue and potential cooperation, marking a positive step towards integrating libertarian perspectives into local legislation.





The Ladies of Liberty Alliance proudly hosted its inaugural event in Paris, France, marking the launch of a new social chapter in the city. The event gathered attendees to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities for libertarian ideas within French society, notably how the pervasive influence of the state has hindered their permeation.

Discussions at the event also covered a broad range of topics important to women, blending personal and career objectives with broader societal issues such as inflation, security, and migration. This multifaceted approach provided a comprehensive view of the obstacles and aspirations shared among the participants.

The establishment of the Paris chapter represents a significant step for LOLA, as it endeavors to introduce and integrate libertarian principles in a context where such ideas are less common. The lively discussions underscored a promising start for LOLA’s efforts to foster a supportive network and elevate libertarian discourse in France.



Hosted by Inbal Parvari, an Israeli lawyer, this event, held in honor of International Women’s Day, featured insightful discussions with guests Eyð Áradóttir Hammer from Denmark and Golbon Rose from Iran.

Eyð explored the correlation between GDP per capita and women’s rights, detailing how secularism and the Nordic welfare model influence gender equality. He emphasized the importance of financial independence for women and the cultural shift towards shared parental responsibilities.

Golbon shared her perspective on the challenges facing working mothers in the U.S., particularly the lack of paid maternity leave and the potential negative impacts of excessive government intervention. She advocated for a nuanced approach, including free-market solutions to support working mothers.

The conversation also covered broader topics such as cultural expectations of motherhood, reproductive rights, and the role of fathers. The legality and accessibility of birth control in Iran were questioned, highlighting the skepticism towards data from the Islamic Republic.

The event delved into the societal views of motherhood in America, discussing the need for inclusivity and the concept of libertarian feminism. The discussion also touched on the social acceptability in Denmark of choosing not to have children, citing climate concerns.

Advice was given on balancing career and motherhood, emphasizing the importance of financial literacy, finding a supportive partner, and building a solid network. The topic of men feeling disenfranchised by modern feminist movements was addressed, suggesting that men re-evaluate their roles and seek emotional connection and therapy.



In a vibrant celebration of International Women’s Day, the chapter hosted an event dedicated to honoring women’s contributions to the liberty movement. The gathering was marked by a festive atmosphere, with decorations, music, and activities designed to foster a sense of community among attendees.

The event highlighted the achievements and ongoing efforts of women who advocate for libertarian principles. Through engaging discussions and presentations, participants were inspired by stories of resilience and dedication in promoting individual liberty.

In addition to speeches, the celebration included interactive sessions that allowed attendees to network and discuss ways to support each other in their endeavors. This included workshops on leadership, advocacy, and strategies for effective communication in public policy.

The fun-filled day commemorated the strides made by women in the movement. It reinforced the chapter’s commitment to empowering its members and expanding the reach of libertarian ideas through camaraderie and collaboration.



The event successfully introduced LOLA to a new audience, urging them to join the liberty movement. The presentation started with an overview of how LOLA began and its evolution, especially highlighting the developments in Africa, including Ghana. The Ghana chapter’s mission, vision, and past events to promote social liberty were discussed comprehensively.

The audience was enlightened about the importance of free markets in creating a more accessible society. There was a strong emphasis on how a capitalist economy fosters ownership, creates opportunities, encourages innovation and adaptability, and promotes healthy competition. Expressly, it was noted that LOLA campaigns for capitalism because it empowers women to innovate, adapt, and thrive.

The discussion also covered the theme of self-empowerment for personal growth and development. It was emphasized that women must be self-empowered to gain the strength and confidence to control their lives, set goals, and make positive choices. The societal undermining of women’s relevance and essence was addressed, and the LOLA Ghana chapter used this platform to encourage women to own their confidence, take responsibility, and embrace a libertarian mindset as part of a free and liberal society.

The event also featured a pitch to raise awareness about LOLA Ghana, detailing what the organization does, and its mission and vision, to spark interest and encourage participation in the liberty movement. The speaker, Madam Ayisha Freedom, a Director at Nonia Foods and Spicy Limited and a Revenue Officer at the Ghana Revenue Authority, shared her insights.



The inaugural event of our Atlanta chapter addressed significant concerns regarding the local education system, particularly its underperformance and the minimal inclusion of economics in the curriculum. The gathering highlighted the challenges faced by libertarian and capitalist ideologies, which are often perceived negatively in the community, especially among young women.

The event started with an icebreaker where attendees discussed their favorite economists to foster a friendly and engaging atmosphere. This was facilitated by distributing books by notable economists like Henry Hazlitt and Friedrich Hayek, which were well-received and spurred lively discussions.

The event also featured a “Galentine’s” theme, allowing participants to get to know each other in a relaxed and supportive environment. This setup encouraged networking among attendees and strengthened the communal bonds necessary for nurturing a shared understanding of economic principles.

The discussions and interactions from this first event set a positive tone for future gatherings, aiming to educate and empower young women in Atlanta about the benefits of libertarian and capitalist perspectives.





The chapter meeting focused on creating a comprehensive plan for upcoming events aimed at educating various community segments on liberty.

Most of the discussion focused on the interplay between liberty and religion within the country. This dialogue explored how religious perspectives can intersect with libertarian values, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities for advocacy. The newly launched Book & Movie Club, with clear responsibilities, was also introduced. The club aims to use literature and film to tackle dark societal norms that often place women in subordinate roles and subject them to burdens such as domestic violence. It serves as a platform for enlightenment and empowerment through storytelling.

The attendees also brainstormed ideas for upcoming events focused on marginalized groups. One proposed event aims to engage underprivileged children, focusing on property rights. At the same time, another is planned with the indigenous community members in Dhaka to address and advocate for their specific needs and rights. The meeting highlighted the determination of strong, independent women with a liberal mindset in the chapter to challenge oppressive societal norms and improve women’s lives. These discussions and plans set a robust agenda for engaging and impactful activities in the coming months.





The chapter event explored the Jewish festival of Purim and its connection to liberal values and women’s empowerment. The discussion was framed around how Purim’s courageous and empowering themes align with the principles of liberty and self-defense, which are central to libertarian ideology.

During the event, participants delved into the values of the Purim festival, such as bravery, freedom, and empowerment. These values were discussed in the context of current societal challenges and the role of empowered women in promoting and defending these ideals. The event included a vibrant debate on the current economic situation, touching upon the significant state changes under Argentina’s new liberal government, the eccentric and controversial nature of the president, and the ongoing societal conflicts. Despite the decrease, inflation remains one of the highest in the world, prompting a discussion on strategies to counteract socialist critiques of the government.

Attendees engaged in activities refuting and arguing from liberal and socialist perspectives. This exercise aimed to sharpen their debating skills and deepen their understanding of political and economic viewpoints. The event also incorporated playful elements to foster team cohesion and create a more enjoyable learning environment.

The meeting successfully attracted more than ten participants, achieving a collaborative and educational atmosphere where members could strengthen their understanding of liberal values through the lens of a cultural festival. This blend of cultural education and political discussion helped unify the team and equip them with tools to advocate for their beliefs more effectively in various societal contexts.