Chapter Updates – August 2024

LOLA Chapter Events - August 2024



LOLA Poland successfully hosted its first Movie Night, welcoming 11 new women to our community. The event provided an excellent opportunity to introduce LOLA’s mission and vision to potential new members. We screened the films “Joy” and “Legally Blonde,” which sparked lively discussions on entrepreneurship, individualism, and the challenges women face in the workplace.

The versatility and themes of these movies allowed us to delve into meaningful conversations about overcoming stereotypes and the importance of personal fulfillment over collectivism. These discussions underscored our belief that even one person’s success can positively impact the entire community.

As a result of this event, LOLA Poland pitched its mission to 11 new women and successfully gained one new LOLA leader. This achievement, a testament to the empowerment and potential within our community, marks a significant step in strengthening our network and building a supportive community dedicated to promoting liberty and individualism among women.

The Movie Night was not just a success but a resounding one, serving as a significant milestone in our community-building efforts. It allowed us to connect with new women and further solidify our chapter’s presence and impact, a testament to our collective efforts and dedication.



LOLA Brazil hosted an insightful discussion led by Monica Rosenberg, a distinguished lawyer and author, on methods to combat corruption in both public and private sectors. Monica, who holds a degree from USP and author of the book “Are We All Corrupt? The Little Manual of the Boring Ethical Person,” is well-respected in the fight against corruption. As one of the Instituto Não Aceito Corrupção founders, Monica has advocated for transparency and ethical governance. She also serves as the legal director of LOLA Brasil and the Secretary of Institutional Governance of the OAB-SP.

During the event, Monica shared her extensive experience and provided valuable insights into the pervasive corruption issues across all Brazilian states. Attendees preparing to run for city council in the upcoming election eagerly sought her advice on incorporating anti-corruption themes into their campaigns. Monica offered practical tips for maintaining integrity and promoting transparency, which resonated deeply with the participants. The event highlighted the importance of ethical leadership and its role in fostering a just and accountable society.

This event was particularly impactful as it equipped current and aspiring LOLA leaders with the knowledge and tools to address corruption in their political endeavors effectively. Monica’s guidance was instrumental and transformative, empowering these women to champion anti-corruption measures in their communities.



LOLA Lima hosted a workshop introducing members to Trello, a powerful organizational tool for managing chapter events, workshops, and social media content. The session was led by Carla Elizabeth Fernandez Reyna, a professional communicator, editor, and proofreader. Carla’s expertise in helping companies, entrepreneurs, and organizations craft and optimize effective messages made her the perfect speaker for this event.

During the workshop, Carla provided valuable insights into using Trello to streamline the chapter’s activities and enhance social media strategies. Attendees were particularly impressed with how the tool could be applied to LOLA activities and their projects, including entrepreneurial endeavors. They recognized that Trello could offer them more freedom and efficiency in pursuing their goals.

Carla also shared tips on organizing ideas and effectively transmitting them through social media, emphasizing the importance of clear and impactful communication. Her guidance on building and conveying messages that add value was well-received, as it resonated with the attendees’ desire to enhance their projects and brands.

The event was a success, equipping LOLA Lima members with practical tools and strategies to better organize their work and communicate effectively within the chapter and in their personal and professional lives.



LOLA Cordoba hosted an educational event focused on empowering women with knowledge and resources to combat gender-based violence. The event featured a panel of speakers, including police officers, a lawyer, and a Judicial Power official, who provided valuable insights into the various types of gender-based violence, the common myths surrounding it, and the legal rights of women in such situations.

The primary objective of the event was to educate women about their rights and the resources available to them in cases of gender-based violence. The speakers addressed critical issues such as economic and political challenges and safety concerns that women often face. Attendees better understood how to navigate these challenges and protect themselves and others from violence.

This event was instrumental in equipping the participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for their rights and seek help. It reinforced LOLA Cordoba’s commitment to supporting and empowering women in their fight against gender-based violence.



LOLA Africa held an event to educate African women about the LOLA movement and reinforce the organization’s mission among existing chapter leaders. The event featured presentations on the organization’s vision and mission, detailing its origins and how it was introduced to the African region.

Speakers emphasized the importance of hosting regular chapter events to maintain active engagement within LOLA, encouraging leaders to continue promoting the values of liberty and individualism. The session served as both an introduction for new members and a valuable recap for existing leaders, fostering a stronger connection to LOLA’s goals and activities across the African region. This event reinforced the importance of active participation and collaboration within the movement to sustain its impact and growth.



LOLA Uberaba recently hosted a financial education event to teach women how to manage their finances and make informed investment decisions. The event gave attendees valuable knowledge on various investment options and strategies, including creating an emergency reserve and planning for medium—and long-term investments.

Participants learned practical skills for managing their finances, focusing on making sound financial decisions that align with their personal goals. The session covered different forms of investments and introduced reliable companies to consider for their financial journey. This event was a significant step towards empowering women in Uberaba with the tools and confidence needed to achieve economic independence and security.



LOLA Quito recently hosted a book club on the discussion of libertarian feminism, focusing on its relevance to the realities of rural areas and minorities in Ecuador. The attendees emphasized the importance of adapting this narrative to address the unique challenges faced in these communities, including the lack of socioeconomic opportunities, elevated insecurity, and political instability.

The book club analyzed “Afrodita Desenmascarada,” providing a platform for thoughtful discussion on how libertarian principles can intersect with feminist ideals in the Ecuadorian context. The event also consolidated the chapter’s community, fostering stronger connections among members as they explored these critical issues together. This event marked an important step in deepening the chapter’s engagement with the broader movement for liberty and women’s rights in Ecuador.




LOLA Tel Aviv hosted a lively and enlightening event to clear up misconceptions about feminism while connecting with others who share a passion for freedom and human rights. The event featured Angelica Walker-Werth, LOLA’s UK chapter leader and a fellow at the Objective Standard Institute, who expertly debunked the wild myths surrounding feminism—like the idea that it’s a secret club plotting to take over the world and make men do all the laundry.

Angelica’s engaging presentation brought humor and clarity to the topic, making complex ideas accessible and fun to learn about. She also explored the evolution of feminism and its continued relevance in today’s world. The interactive Q&A session allowed attendees to ask burning questions, leading to a rich and informative discussion.

This event, organized by LOLA Israel, was a perfect blend of education and entertainment, leaving participants with a deeper understanding of feminism and a stronger sense of community.



LOLA Cordoba hosted an event exploring the connections between feminism and libertarianism. The event began with a discussion of the differences between first- and second-wave feminism, highlighting how these movements have evolved. Attendees examined the intersection of libertarian ideas with feminist principles, emphasizing the importance of individual freedom and personal responsibility.

The group also analyzed the book Afrodita Desenmascarada, using it as a springboard to discuss pressing issues faced by women today, including abortion, pregnancy and work-life balance, prostitution, and societal sexism. The conversation underscored the need to attract more women to the libertarian movement by addressing these topics in a way that resonates with their experiences and concerns.

This event was instrumental in deepening the chapter’s understanding of how feminism and libertarianism can complement each other and strengthening the chapter’s commitment to engaging more women in the movement.



LOLA Ottawa hosted an important event to discuss LOLA’s mission, the disappearance of María Oropeza, and the oppressive tactics used under socialist regimes. The conversation focused on raising awareness about the injustices faced by political prisoners and the role of the Canadian liberal government’s foreign policy in addressing oppressive regimes abroad.

A highlight of the event was the insight one of our attendees provided, who had personal experience dealing with political prisoners in Venezuela. She shared valuable information about the use of torture centers and the manipulation of the justice system to suppress dissent. This perspective added a critical understanding of the severe human rights abuses occurring in socialist regimes like Venezuela.

The discussion successfully brought attention to María Oropeza’s plight and the broader issue of female political prisoners, reinforcing the importance of standing against oppression and advocating for justice and liberty.



LOLA New Jersey recently held an event to introduce women to the natural right of self-defense and discuss the constitutional issues surrounding gun regulation in the state. The event covered essential topics such as LOLA’s goals, the concept of individual liberty, and the importance of the Second Amendment.

Participants engaged in thoughtful discussions about individual rights, emphasizing self-defense’s critical role in safeguarding personal freedom. The event highlighted how gun regulations in New Jersey infringe on constitutional rights, sparking a deeper understanding of the intersection between individual liberty and the right to bear arms.

This event was instrumental in empowering women with knowledge about their rights and the importance of self-defense in the broader context of liberty and personal autonomy.



LOLA Kathmandu hosted an event highlighting the historical context of women’s empowerment in Nepal and providing a platform for discussing women’s progress and challenges in Nepali politics. The event analyzed women’s participation in politics through the lens of feminism and liberalism, drawing from Nepal’s rich history, including significant contributions made by women during the Anglo-Nepal war and the decade-long Maoist insurgency.

The discussion focused on the persistent gap in women’s involvement in decision-making processes and the importance of amplifying women’s voices through votes and solidarity. Participants, primarily young women, explored feminism, intersectionality, and the ongoing struggle for gender equality in political spaces.



LOLA Peshawar held an event to educate students on the principles of free markets and the importance of limiting government intervention. In a society primarily dominated by socialist and communist ideologies, government overreach through excessive regulatory authorities has disrupted economic activities, discouraging businesses and entrepreneurship.

The event aimed to inspire students to campaign against politicians’ and bureaucrats’ unchecked power and advocate for reducing regulatory barriers that hinder individual enterprise. Muhammad Sulaiman was the featured speaker, president of National Influencers (an Atlas Network partner organization) and National Coordinator of Students For Liberty Pakistan. A strong advocate of human rights and free markets, Sulaiman shared his insights on building a free and prosperous society and discussed his experience organizing workshops and conferences to promote these ideals.

The event successfully motivated students to take action and support a system that facilitates, rather than hinders, entrepreneurial efforts. 



LOLA Jakarta recently hosted its first social event, marking the official kickoff for LOLA Indonesia. The event focused on expanding the Jakarta chapter and forming a new chapter in Sulawesi. Discussions centered around how Indonesia’s patriarchal culture continues to hinder women’s personal and professional development, creating unequal opportunities and perpetuating gender-based stigmas.

Attendees emphasized the importance of having a safe space like LOLA to empower women and support their growth. Plans were made to take more action in recruiting female leaders and extending this opportunity to more women across the region. The event successfully laid the groundwork for expanding LOLA Indonesia and building a more robust network of empowered women.



LOLA Goiás held an event focused on raising awareness about the importance of liberal activism and collecting donations of personal care items for a women’s rehabilitation center that supports those recovering from legal and illegal drug abuse. The event highlighted the social issues faced by these women, particularly the widespread prejudice from society, which contributed to their segregation.

In the political sphere, participants discussed potential public policies the state could adopt to support this vulnerable group better. Key topics included the social segregation of women, lack of family support, high relapse rates, and the absence of adequate public investment in combating and preventing substance abuse.

This event raised awareness and brought much-needed attention to the challenges faced by women in rehabilitation while also fostering a dialogue on the role of public policies in providing better support and resources for their recovery.



LOLA Peshawar recently hosted a meetup where participants from different regions exchanged insights regarding their activities and approaches to achieving maximum outcomes in the liberty movement. The discussion focused on the restrictions and challenges faced by those advocating for individual liberty and strategies to cope with these obstacles. Participants also analyzed ways to ensure their safety while engaging in such movements.

Many attendees shared their struggles and stories, highlighting women’s societal barriers in participating in liberty movements, particularly in a culture where individual liberty rights for women are severely restricted. The discussion further emphasized how bureaucratic overreach and political power concentrated in a few hands serve as exploitation tools, limiting the general public’s freedom and rights. The event fostered a sense of solidarity and support among the participants as they continued to advocate for greater liberty in their society.



LOLA Europe held an event to unite and empower the movement’s leaders across Europe. The event’s focus was leadership development and training, providing participants with the tools and skills needed to strengthen their roles within the liberal movement.

The event served as a valuable platform for networking, collaboration, and growth, ensuring that leaders from various chapters across Europe are equipped to continue advocating for individual liberty and personal freedom in their respective regions. This training session fostered a stronger and more unified European movement.



LOLA New Delhi held an event to discuss the critical issue of women’s safety in the city, where gender-based violence, harassment, and assault remain widespread concerns. The discussion highlighted the social stigma that often prevents women from reporting crimes, along with inadequate law enforcement and slow judicial processes that exacerbate the issue. Economically, safety concerns limit women’s participation in the workforce, creating additional barriers to their empowerment.

The chapter explored potential solutions, advocating for stronger legal protections and promoting awareness campaigns to foster safer environments. LOLA Delhi emphasized individual empowerment through self-defense training and personal responsibility to ensure safety, advocating for minimal government intervention. The group argued that the state’s role should focus on enforcing existing laws effectively rather than imposing restrictive measures.

The discussion also stressed the importance of community-driven initiatives, such as neighborhood watch groups, to enhance security. Additionally, the chapter promoted economic empowerment by encouraging women’s workforce participation and advocating for policies that reduce bureaucratic barriers, ultimately enhancing women’s autonomy and freedom.



LOLA New Delhi organized a workshop for women focused on career development, personal branding, leadership, and networking. The workshop addressed the significant social, economic, and political barriers that hinder women’s professional growth in India. The session highlighted how deeply entrenched social norms and traditional gender roles often prioritize family responsibilities over professional aspirations, creating obstacles to women’s career advancement. Economic challenges, such as the gender pay gap and limited access to financial resources, further restrict growth opportunities.

The workshop provided participants with valuable strategies to overcome these challenges by cultivating a leadership brand rooted in strategic vision and integrity, enhancing decision-making, and driving team performance through collaborative leadership. Emphasis was placed on building a compelling personal brand, prioritizing continuous professional development, and expanding influence through strategic networking.

Participants were encouraged to foster resilience, seek mentorship, and actively engage in professional circles to navigate these barriers. The event inspired attendees to take proactive steps in their careers, bolstered by the support of a robust network of women leaders, and promoted the importance of empowering women to achieve professional success.



LOLA Toronto officially reactivated its chapter with a powerful event that addressed several pressing issues, including the influence of left ideologies in the Canadian education system, housing affordability, restrictions on freedom of speech, and the increasing control of the government over citizens’ lives. The event emphasized the crucial role of women in politics, underscoring how their active participation ensures diverse perspectives are represented in decision-making processes. It highlighted the importance of breaking gender stereotypes and fostering more inclusive political systems.

The featured speaker, Ana Rizo, shared her valuable insights. Ana, a lawyer with a degree from the University of Carabobo in Venezuela and a postgraduate in International Business Management from Toronto, has extensive experience in political activism. She began her involvement in politics in 2014 through volunteering for Cedice Libertad, a leading libertarian think tank in Latin America. Ana has participated in various seminars and conferences and is an alumna of prestigious institutions like the Cato Institute, the Institute of Liberal Studies, and the Fraser Institute. Currently a panelist on the award-winning political podcast, The Raben Report, Ana is passionate about financial crime prevention and anti-money laundering.

This event successfully reactivated LOLA Toronto and inspired attendees to engage more deeply with the movement, focusing on promoting liberty and freedom in Canada.



LOLA Toronto hosted an exciting day of target practice, camaraderie, and fun, catering to all skill levels, from seasoned sharpshooters to curious beginners. Emily Brown, a Federal Candidate for the Conservative Party of Canada and the Ontario Female Shooting Champion, led the event. Emily provided hands-on training and guidance throughout the day, making the event both engaging and educational.

Emily, raised with strong conservative values, shared her experiences as a competitive clay target shooter and political candidate. Her background as a dedicated community leader and her passion for outdoor activities inspired the attendees. She emphasized the importance of personal responsibility and individual empowerment in the sport and political activism.

Sandra Cobena, a senior manager at one of Canada’s leading commercial banks and the Conservative Party’s candidate in Newmarket-Aurora, was also in attendance. Sandra shared insights from her finance career and dedication to reversing government overreach and addressing the affordability crisis. Her vision for creating a more opportunity-driven Canada resonated strongly with the participants.

This event not only fostered a sense of empowerment through the sport of shooting but also highlighted the importance of strong leadership and community engagement in advancing individual liberty and freedom.



LOLA Brazil held an event focused on helping LOLA leaders and members improve their organization and time management skills. The discussion addressed common challenges such as maintaining a healthy routine, managing multiple projects, and effectively organizing personal and professional responsibilities.

The event was led by Amanda de Vasconcellos, a LOLA member and final-year medical student at UFMG. Amanda has extensive leadership experience, having volunteered at Students For Liberty Brasil, where she participated in the Prometheus Fellowship Program and held various coordinating roles, including state coordinator for Minas Gerais and vice regional for the Southeast. She also nationally coordinated the institution’s selection process from 2020 to 2022, earning her the Student of the Year award.

Amanda shared practical time management tips and discussed balancing academic, professional, and personal commitments. Through her informative social media content about medicine and scientific thought, Amanda provided participants with strategies to stay organized and achieve their goals. This event proved valuable in equipping LOLA members with the tools to enhance their productivity and lead more balanced lives.